I’ve chosen to share photos of the messy chaotic environment I have been occupying for a month now. I was very upset to return to this place, I tried very hard to get as far away as possible. It may come as no surprise that my father is very anti capitalist, he hates money and he hates hard work. extols the virtues of a communal society intermixed with his brand of religion. When I look around especially on Facebook I see that many people in my generation may be heading towards this lifestyle. I’ll touch on these topics later on. Now for my friends that are not from America, this is not a normal way of life.I share these to give a small taste of my current lifestyle, in that the environments I often find myself in themselves can be a challenging place to keep a flame lit deep within the soul. Growing up here has cemented this quote into my mind: Money is not the root of all evil, the lack of money or resources, is the root of all evil.